Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 4 recap in all languages.


"Game of Thrones" Season 3 Episode 4, titled "And Now His Watch is Ended," continues to follow the various storylines of the characters as they navigate the political landscape of Westeros.

In King's Landing, Tywin Lannister continues to assert his control over the small council and the kingdom. He also sends his son, Tyrion, to deal with the issues at the Night's Watch, which is currently struggling with a lack of supplies and a growing threat from the wildlings.

Meanwhile, Daenerys Targaryen and her khalasar come across an enslaved city, and she decides to free the slaves and recruit them as her soldiers.

At the Night's Watch, Jon Snow and the others are on a mission beyond the Wall to infiltrate the wildlings and learn their plans. They are successful in their mission, but Jon is forced to make a difficult decision when the wildlings discover his true identity.

In the Riverlands, Robb Stark is dealing with the aftermath of the Red Wedding and the loss of his mother and brother. He also receives news that his bannermen are beginning to lose faith in him as a leader.

In the North, Bran Stark continues to have strange dreams and discovers that he has the ability to control animals with his mind. He also receives a visitor, Jojen Reed, who reveals that he also has the same ability and offers to help Bran control it.

The episode ends with a shocking twist as the Night's Watch receives word that the wildlings have breached the Wall and are heading south.

In summary, this episode follows the aftermath of the Red Wedding, with Robb Stark dealing with the loss of his family, and Jon Snow infiltrating the wildlings. Daenerys continues her conquest freeing enslaved city, Tywin Lannister assert his control over the small council and the kingdom, Bran Stark discovers he has the ability to control animals with his mind, and The Night's Watch receives word that the wildlings have breached the Wall and are heading south.

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